Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Untitled #1

Hey, guys.

It's been a long time coming for a new post. I won't delve into how much I miss writing because if I really did, I would've wrote it much sooner. Thanks to my close friends and colleagues, they provide me a channel to rant and vent without the use of a keyboard. But to be honest, it's really not the same when I put things into words.

One of the things that I wrote on my to-do list for 2022 is to enrich myself with knowledge. Hence, I bought a Kindle to motivate myself to read. It's always troublesome for me to do some light reading when I'm outside. Ironically, I always like to read outside somewhere at a café instead at home. Most probably it gives me some. Plus, it doesn't help when most of the books that I bought are hard covers and it's such a pain in the ass to carry even a book anywhere. With Kindle, I can carry it around and alternate my reading to a different book. For those who are wondering, I bought the Kindle Paperwhite Edition and I would highly recommend it if you're facing the same dilemma as me.

For a couple of months, I was able to make it a habit to open up my Kindle. However, due to some circumstances, that habit broke and I left my Kindle collecting dusts. That's one thing that I'm not proud of and I'm trying to get back on that track.

It's really hard to maintain a habit especially when you doubt yourself if the thing that you're doing is going to really benefit you in any way. Knowledge is power but if you're not going to make use of it and eventually forget what you've read, it'd be like "mencurah air ke daun keladi." Haha. I can't believe I still remember that phrase. I used to be so good in Bahasa Malaysia. Now I'm just a Malay on paper.

This post is kind of boring, I know. I'm trying to warm up my writing skills again and I kind of nitpicking of the things I want to write. There are a thousand things I'd like write about but those things are quite personal to me and I want to adhere to the song that I like to listen recently that goes, ''I don't talk shit about you on the internet.'' Haha. You know the song.


Yours truly,

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